If you are a Custer 1972 graduate or teacher from the time and do not have a profile and wish to make one, please read further below.
If you changed your email address and cannot log in or if you forgot your password, click the "Contact Us" link in the left column
Please keep your email, your address and phone number current with us as we are keeping other backup records of those besides this site. If you will be changing any of those please go to the Contact Us link on the left side so we will know. Thank you
We will keep this website up and running for the next decade or so. Please check back often and tell us about what's new in your life (photos will help!).
We tried to contact classmates and teachers since before the 40th reunion (2012), so please pass this site along to anyone you've kept in touch with and also let us know any classmate's married name so we can try to find them. Please check out the user forums to the left and let us know if you have any type of info on some of the classmates we listed there that we can't locate (click on list of people we can't find). Please go to the Contact Us link here on the left side and let us know your information.
This site does not obligate you to anything, however we urge you to please sign in. If you have not set up your profile, please do so. Your names are entered in the site under classmate’s profiles. You can set up your profile, add current photos of yourself, and tell us what you've been up to for almost 50 years! You can edit your profile anytime you wish. You may email other classmates through this site as well. Please note that faculty and staff have now been added under guest members and have been invited to the reunion as our guests. We will keep this website up and running from now on so please update your profile with new photos, information, and e-mail address as needed.
If you have old photos from long ago like Villard Ave., Wilbert’s Bakery, Dog N’ Suds, A & W, the Villa, classmates etc. please scan and send photo copy via e-mail to Joel Cler at jwmkc@charter.net and write down who everybody in the photo is if they are a fellow classmate(s) and we will add them here. We've added a bunch of photos already.